National Forest parks in Sri Lanka (The paradise)

Sri Lanka is tropical country which is located in the Indian Ocean, down south to the Indian peninsula. The country is covered with lots of greens with a forest cover of 30%.

There are 26 national parks in Sri Lanka. The land area covered by these national parks are about 5,734km2 National parks are demarcated and protected areas which are belong and administrated by wild life department. These are governed by the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance (No. 2) of 1937. There are some activities, such as hunting and killing animals in these reserved areas.

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Asian Wild elephants and Tuskers – in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an Island country with very attractive nature with blue beaches and green forests with a large number of fauna and flora. Among all these Sri Lankan wild elephants and tuskers plays a big role showing the beauty of nature making the country more attractive to nature lovers, visitors and most importantly both local and foreign tourists.

There are more than 7000 Asian wild elephants and tuskers living in Sri Lanka.

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