Introduction –
Above program was conducted in Radission Hotel, Colombo on 26Th June 2023 with the title of “Strengthened, Resilient and Equitable Social Systems and Enhanced Well Being”. The work shop was part of the UN’s contribution to the UNSDCF 2023-2027 for Sri Lanka aiming to accelerate actions towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Objective –
The aim of the workshop was to provide participant with a shared language and understanding of proven partnership and stake holder engagement tools and frameworks, as well as experience in designing a partnership relevant to the local context.
The training workshop was organized in collaboration with the UNICEF, WFP and the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO).
It was consisted with core Knowledge with interactive, experiential learning through ‘serious games’, peer-to-peer exchange and case clinics to advance multi- stakeholder partnership and engagement.
“MUST” should be there to have partnering competencies.
M – Mindset U – Understanding of Other Sectors
S – Skills in Human Relationships T – Technical Partnering Knowledge
· Mindset- Decision making power, Risk taking, Work for the benefit as a whole.
· Understanding of other sectors – Values, Principles, Perspective, mandates, acts etc.
· Skills in Human Relationships – Need all skills to deal with
· Technical partnering knowledge – Monitoring, Planning etc.
Types of multi-stakeholder partnerships;-
– Can range from networks made up of hundreds of organizations through to joint ventures between two or three organizations.
– So it is useful to identify some basic type of partnerships and differentiate them in terms of their aims and outcomes. – Partnership spectrum
Partnership spectrum – showing the range of different types of partnership for the SDG.
1. 1. Leveraging others’ resources for my organization
One partner donates to another, or partners exchange resources of all kinds to deliver benefits to each of the partners, enabling them to deliver more or deliver better.
2. 2. Doing “traditional” development better
Multiple partners combine their complementary or similar resources in ways which directly or indirectly deliver traditional development impact more effectively, efficiently, innovatively, or at greater scale. Together the partners are able to deliver more than the sum of their parts.
3. 3. “Transformational” development
System Transformation
Multiple actors bring together essential complementary resources that together create the levers required to deliver system transformation, which could not have been achieved by any one actor working alone.
1. 1.Value creation
2. 2. Right stakeholders and resources
3. 3. Shared vision and aligned interest
4. 4. Compatible values
5. 5. Empowered partners
6. 6. Senior level commitment and skills
Value assessment framework
Use: to systematically asses what value is / might be created through a partnership approach, at what cost.
Partnership as a whole
Potential sources of partnership value creation: Collaborative advantage
1. 1. Complementary: Bringing together essential Complementary resources.
Impact delivered by a complete workable solution impossible without the full set of key resources.
2. 2. Systemic and transformation: Harmonization/coordination of key system actors’ resources/Instruments.
Transformation of a system leads to a steady-state, solution delivering ongoing value and benefits.
3. 3. Standards: creating collective legitimacy and knowledge.
Developing and disseminating norms, standards and policies to raise standards /create a level playing field across a whole sector, enabling ongoing impact.
4. 4. Innovation: Combining diverse resources, thinking, approaches. Creating new, more effective approaches, technologies, services and/or products with the greater impact they will deliver.
5. 5. Holism: conveying holistic range of actors. More workable context-appropriate, cross cutting and implementable approaches increasing the quality and breadth of impact.
6. 6. Shared learning: creating a mechanism for collective learning and capability building. Raising the level of knowledge, expertise and capacity widely, leading to more effective practice and greater impact.
7. 7. Shared risk: Collectively sharing risks of major investments/implementation. Companies, banks and donors are willing and able to make large investments or loans jointly, or NGOs willing to co-deliver major scale programs, otherwise more risky.
8. 8. Synergy: Aligning programs/resources and cooperating to exploits synergies. Increasing the degree of impact from the input resources available (or achieving the desired out puts with low input).
9. 9. Scale: Combing delivery capacity across geographies. Taking successful programs, products and approaches to scale to multiply the impact.
10. 10. Critical mass: Collectively providing sufficient weight of action or boldness / imperative to act. Combining/aligning/coordinating resources to create the critical mass needed to deliver otherwise impossible outcomes/impacts.
Exercise was done related to value assessment frame work
Stakeholder mapping
Map the following stakeholder and plot their position based on their potential interest in and influence over, the issue of increasing food security in Sri Lanka.
– Ministry of Health – Ministry of education
– National Planning Dept – Family planning association
– Presidential Secretariat – UNISEF
– SUNPF – National supermarket chain
– Dept of Samurdhi Development – House holds
– Sarvodaya – WFP
– App designer company
Stake holders
1. Civil society
2. Academia
3. Business
4. United Nations
5. Government
6. Donors
7. Foundations
Print of MS
The powerful levers Multi-stakeholder Partnerships can bring to bear
MSPs are powerful mechanisms to achieve transformation, as they can collectively bring to bear a whole range of different levers either supplied by organizations from different sectors, or created through partnership. The levers below range from those that can change the boundary conditions (with the system within it adjusting appropriately) to those that can support individual elements of the system to build capacity and realign:
1. 1.Policy/ regulation/taxation
2. 2.Infrastructure development
3. 3.Advocacy and balancing power
4. 4.Influence/ behavior change
5. 5.New norms
6. 6.Innovative technologies
7. 7.Commercially viable/ inclusive business/market-based approaches
8. 8.Standards
9. 9.Access to evidence, information and data
10 10.Access to affordable finance
11 11. Education and capacity Development
12 12.Organization
13 13.Human and community capital
Partnering agreement template
A template, including the essential defining elements of the partnership to be agreed by partners.
There will be different forms of agreements related to a partnership
· Partnership agreement
· Contracts
· Work plan
Partnership development journey
1. 1.Understand the context /alignment of interest
2. 2.Agree an overarching vision
3. 3.Agree a common purpose/mission
4. 4.Agree specific objective/activities
5. 5.Agree resources, roles and responsibilities
6. 6.Structure the partnership
7. 7.Sign a partnership agreement
1. 1. Positional Negotiation
– How can and get my way-
2. 2. Interest based negotiation
– How can we assure we both get our need met?
“Position” vs “interest”
– Position – The first solution or demand presented by someone, often dogmatic and usually inconsiderate to others.
Negotiation principles
Interest-based negotiation | Value maximization negotiation |
Build relationship/trust and joint ownership of the issue. | +Build the mindset for value maximization for all(including through first mover generosity) |
Listen and question to reveal underlying interest- what are the real needs, not the expressed positions. | +Build understanding of the multiple types of value/success that are important to them |
Check and challenge all your and their assumptions, push the boundaries to open up space for alternative solutions | +Widen the boundaries well beyond the specific issues at hand |
Discuss multiple approaches that could potentially solve the problem. | +Creatively brainstorm the widest set of opportunities that could create additional value for you and/or your partners. |
Reach agreement that satisfies interests | +Reach the agreement that maximizes the value for all (and continually improved) |
-Trust is very important in partnership relationship.
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