Asian Wild elephants and Tuskers – in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an Island country with very attractive nature with blue beaches and green forests with a large number of fauna and flora. Among all these Sri Lankan wild elephants and tuskers plays a big role showing the beauty of nature making the country more attractive to nature lovers, visitors and most importantly both local and foreign tourists.

There are more than 7000 Asian wild elephants and tuskers living in Sri Lanka.

Habitat of Sri Lankan wild elephants and tuskers is mostly lowland of the dry zone and small amount can be seen in north, south, east, north-western, north-central and south-eastern Sri Lanka. They are the largest and darkest sub-species of Asian elephants and many of them have pink pigmentation patches on the body. Elephants and tuskers are very much similar while the males of tuskers bear tusks. However, become a tusker is a genetical matter which is decided by the mother of the baby elephant. Among them there about 7% tusker which is considered as most endangered.

Elephant in the wild on the island of Sri LankaElephant in the wild on the island of Sri Lanka

Elephants and tuskers are active very much in the morning and evening and mid night. They roam in huge area and walk about 5 to 13 Km a day through feeding grounds, among green trees and water sources.

General behavior of elephant is peaceful, they spend in groups and move together. Their baby caring is very prominent and all most all members of the group share the responsibility on that.

However, Their living and survival has become challenging due to forest encroachment of growing human population in the country. That has become a threat to beautiful, joyful life filled with love to ended up with wounds, bullets, crashes and finally deaths.

we would like to invite all the nature lovers to get together to protect this loving giants to protest the beauty of Sri Lankans nature forever.

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