Drinking Water Quality Standards in Sri Lanka

Water is a natural resource which is essential for life and the Sri Lankan government has accepted that accessibility to safe drinking water is a human right.

In Sri Lanka there are two main water suppliers and the largest water supplier is the National Water Supply and Drainage board. They provide water to 48% of the population and the Department of National Community water supply which facilitate Community Based water Organizations to provide water to more than 11% of the population. Other than that, local authorities and some private entrepreneurs provide water in different levels and many people get water directly from their own dug wells and springs.

However, water plays a major role in the health and drinking water should be provided in good quality and quantity for better stress free life.

Quality standards for drinking water have published by the World Health organization (WHO) and Sri Lanka has the water quality standard – SLS 614:2013.

Table 1.                           Water Quality Standards

ParameterMaximum permissible level WHO (2011)Maximum permissible level SLS 614:2013Maximum permissible level Accepted
Electrical conductivity (EC) C µS/cm1500
Total dissolved solids (TDS) mg/L600500
Turbidity NTU–           25
Alkalinity (mg/L)500200
Calcium (mg/L)100100
Magnesium (mg/L)3030
Sodium (mg/L)200200
Chloride (mg/L)250250
Phosphorus (mg/L)52
Nitrate (nitrogen) (mg/L)5050
Ammonium (nitrogen) (mg/L)0.50.2
Sulphate (mg/L)250250
Arsenic (mg/L)0.010.01
Cadmium (mg/L)0.0030.003
Lead (mg/L)0.010.01

According to Water policy and Water Safety policy all the water suppliers should supply standard quality water and for that regular Water Quality testing and Quality enhancement should be done. 

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